Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Business Checking

Checking Products

Every new business checking account includes the following complementary products or services:

✔  Signature Business Debit Mastercard
✔  Digital Banking and Unlimited Bill Pay
✔  Telephone banking
✔  Mobile Deposit with your Smartphone
✔  Paper or eStatements
✔  ATM Fee Refunds Nationwide
✔  Signature FinancialVue online management
✔  Cash management services available

Need help determining which of our accounts is best for you?

Try out the educated search feature on our homepage! Just type “checking” into the “How can we help you today?” bar and the questions will guide you to the right account to get the most bang for your buck.

Small Business Checking*

Business is about meeting people’s needs. This account can help meet the needs of the person behind the business while helping your business grow.


Every business is about people. They’re created to serve people, managed by people, and people work there. That’s why we never view our business clients as businesses. It’s always personal—and we think that’s how it should be.

This account is ideal for smaller businesses and organizations that have a lower transaction volume. Get up to 500 items free each month, free online banking, and more. All at no cost to you! That way you can invest that money back into your business.


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  • No monthly fee or minimum balance
  • 500 free items* per month; 45¢ each thereafter
  • $100 minimum opening deposit
Commercial Checking*

As your business grows, get a checking account that can handle the workload, with no limitations, affordable transaction fees, and an earnings credit to offset them.


Give your business all the checking power it needs to continue to grow. This account was designed for businesses with moderate to high levels of transaction activity.

Write all the checks and make all the deposits you need. Our affordable transaction fees keep the cost low, and your monthly earnings credit can reduce or eliminate those fees. Plus, take advantage of our cash management services to make sure every dollar is working as hard as you are.


  • Affordable transaction fees
  • Monthly earnings credit may reduce/offset fees
  • Ideal for moderate to high transaction volume
  • Cash management services available
  • $100 minimum opening deposit
Business Interest Checking*

You’re in business to make money, and this account can help. You’ll earn interest on your balance with affordable monthly fees based on account use.


You’re in business to make money, and we’re here to help. This account earns interest on your balance while still giving you easy access to funds.

Available to non-profits, sole proprietors, and government organizations, our Business Interest Checking account offers a monthly analysis to determine fees. And, the tiered rate structure means your rate of return may improve as your balance grows.


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  • Available to non-profits, sole proprietors, and government organizations
  • Interest earned on daily collected balance
  • Affordable transaction fees based on analysis
  • $100 minimum opening deposit

* Additional fees may be charged for cash management services.

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